Every rider has that one special horse, that one horse, that changes everything around them


Missouri Fox Trotter – Gelding – 15.2 Hands – Foaled 1995

Pride is one of our most experienced horses. He is exceptionally good-natured, friendly, and works well with everyone.

The Missouri Fox Trotter horse is the perfect horse for beginners and folks who are new to horses. Strength is a Missouri Fox Trotter’s greatest attribute. Thanks to their sure-footedness and poise, they hardly ever give a rider a bumpy ride. For this reason, they are often referred to as the “Cowboy’s Cadillac”.

Torrey (Torreon)

​Peruvian Paso – Gelding – 14.2 Hands – Foaled 2000​

Torrey is known for his friendliness, smooth ride, and eagerness to please.

Peruvian Pasos are known for their grace, unflappable nature, and dancer-like movement. They are easy to train and ideal for a wide spectrum of riders, including individuals with limited mobility and injuries. As a result, they often appear in horse shows and are frequently used on ranches and trail rides.


​​Quarter Horse – Mare -15 Hands​

Molly is a crowd favorite. She loves to play and our students enjoy riding her.

American Quarter Horses are generally calm and docile. They are also highly intelligent and are handled and kept. The breed’s popularity stems from its many positive attributes, including its gentle nature, versatility, beauty, speed, agility, and loyalty. Quarter horses are suitable for all levels of riders and owners, as they tend to be friendly with people and easy to train.


​​Peruvian Paso – Gelding – 14.5 Hands – Foaled 1994

After a career in show-business, Moso shifted to therapeutic riding where his size and good-nature make him and ideal member of the HorsePower team.

The Peruvian Paso’s temperament is proud yet gentle. ‘Brio’ – which roughly translates as ‘willing energy’ is a signature characteristic: the breed is energetic, willing, responsive and proud. Intelligence, trainability, and courage are important breed traits.


​​American Quarter Horse – Gelding – 16 Hands — Foaled 1995

Jack is a silent but strong gentleman who is excellent with students.

The American Quarter Horse is best described as an athletic powerhouse with a “sanity” button, with looks that make it very pretty on the eye. With a calm and gentle demeanor, quarter horses are ideal for a wide variety of roles including racehorses, ranch horses, family pets, and equine therapy.


​​American Paint Horse – Gelding – 16.2 – Foaled 2012

Duncan’s belly splash of white marks his paint horse heritage, which includes a mix of American quarter horse and thoroughbred. The tallest of our program horses, he’s 16.2 hands of pure love. He adores neck scratches and will “smile” on cue for a treat.